Q&A with Clifford Thwala

Q&A with past student of Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine, Clifford Thwala.

Name the most important thing you were taught at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine.
The most important things Jackie Cameron taught me was to never stop learning, keep growing, and be resilient in this tough industry.

How did Jackie Cameron's teachings change your life?
Her teachings have helped me improve my business by being creative and innovative in this very challenging field of hospitality. These attributes ensure that I can add value and continually improve my business operations. For instance, when catering I always work smart and improvise which means that the best service is rendered to the client.

How would you describe Jackie Cameron?
Brief description of chef would be she’s straight forward doesn’t mince her words, strong and resilient with a very good work ethic.

How would you describe yourself before Jackie Cameron's teachings?
I have always had big dreams and goals - but a very poor work ethic and little persistence. This course taught me a lot about the latter.

How would you describe yourself after Jackie Cameron's teachings?
A much improved work ethic because during the course I was able be climb many mountains and meet very tight deadlines, which helped develop tenacity and I became better person.

Was Jackie Cameron too hard on you?
Yes, Chef Jackie was hard on me, on very few occasions when I really did not understand what was expected of me. Growth and personal development, however, is never easy.

Would you recommend Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine to anyone interested in the culinary industry?
I would definitely recommend the school to any aspiring foodie who wants to be a ‘real’ chef. In my opinion it is one of the best schools in the country, by far. I can attest to that.

Would you recommend the hospitality industry as a career?
I can recommend the hospitality industry to people who are really passionate about food, who have fire in the belly about food and hospitality. Passion is what really makes all the difference.

What attributes – do you think - made Jackie Cameron successful?
Attributes that made Chef Jackie successful include a strong support system at home - her folks have lived a model work ethic. She also believes in herself and obviously with good reason - and she never gives up.

In your opinion, is success worthwhile?
Success means different things to different people. My take on it is that it’s only worthwhile if it is connected to our God-given purpose on earth or God’s original intent about our lives. When we find our purpose, the void is filled, and we add value by changing lives - and ultimately die having lived successful lives.