Q&A with Ruvarashe Matiska

Q&A with past student of Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine, Ruvarashe Matiska.
  • Name the most important lesson you learnt at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine.

    I learned that being successful doesn’t come easily in this industry. Working hard, having passion and believing in yourself will get you there. That anything is achievable if you put your mind to it.

  • How has that lesson changed your life and your attitude, to date?

    It has changed my mindset and made me more confident in what I am cooking. And because success does not come easily – I’m aware you must work for it. In the end you will enjoy the fruits of your labour.

  • How would you describe yourself before attending Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine?
    I lacked confidence and doubted myself and what I was cooking.

  • How would you describe yourself after attending Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine?
    My creativity has developed. I can think fast and fix a problem. Food has become more part of me. And for this I enjoy it more.

  • Was Chef Jackie Cameron ever “too hard” on you?
    No and yes at the same time. Chef Jackie Cameron wanted us to reach our full potential in the hospitality industry. And grow from our mistakes.

  • Did you ever consider her behaviour unreasonable?

  • Was there ever a moment when you questioned being a student at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine?

    No there was never a moment.

  • Would you recommend Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine to anyone interested in the culinary industry?

    Yes, definitely. It offers you so much more than other culinary schools. You get exposure through social media and events.

  • Would you recommend the hospitality industry as a career?

    Yes, I would. There are endless possibilities and opportunities. The hospitality industry is always growing, and with that growth it is thriving.

  • What advice would you give to a person wanting to pursue a career in the hospitality industry?

    Be ready to work long hours. Learn, grow and enjoy. Never lose hope and always believe in yourself.

  • What would you consider the most tiresome element of the hospitality industry?

    The long working hours.

  • How do you work around that element to turn your negative mindset into a positive attitude?

    I eat a healthy diet, exercise, and surround myself with people who have a good influence on me.

  • What do you enjoy most about the hospitality industry?

    I enjoy the artistic and creative side of food, as well as recipe development and experimenting with new flavours.

  • What attributes – do you think – helped Chef Jackie fulfil my dream of opening Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine?

    A positive mindset, passion, perseverance, as well as a good family support group, friends, and people who influenced her.

  • What, in your opinion, is success?

    Success is meeting your expectations through sacrifice and hard work. Aiming for those goals you have set and never giving up, even when times are tough.