Introducing Zandy Armstrong - Class of 2018


Zandy Armstrong

1. What inspired you to enrol at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine?
I wanted to train at the best school possible and under the best chef possible – and, at this stage, I feel Chef Jackie Cameron is the best option available.

2. What are you hoping to achieve here?
I hope to learn as much as possible and to make - valuable life-long connections within the industry.

3. What do you hope to give of yourself?
My best, my all – everything.

4. What is your long-term goal?
After travelling globally and learning from the international community of chefs, I plan to build my own brand and open my own establishment.

5. In how many years do you hope to achieve this?
With everything going according to plan – 10 years

6. Who is your favourite international ‘foodie’?
Anthony Boudaine; Heston Blumenthal; Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall of River Cottage.

7. If food had a personality, what dish would be most like you – and why?
A bowl of olives – they are deceptive! They look like sweet grapes and when you taste them the flavour is unexpected.

8. Where were you born and raised?
I was born in North West Province, went to boarding school in Bloemfontein and completed my schooling in Howick.

9. Apart from food what hobbies do you enjoy?
An avid amateur cellist – and I really enjoy yoga.

10. What dish do find least inspiring – and why?
Any dish made with with sou-sous, also called chayote - the vegetable pear.  They are quite bland, like a boiled cucumber