Q&A with Jonathan Kapp

Q&A with past student of Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine, Jonathan Kapp.

Name the most important thing you were taught at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine.
There is always someone working harder than you, so you have to push even harder to be the best.

How did Jackie Cameron's teachings change your life?
I now travel the world and love what I do, thanks to Chef Jackie’s teachings.

How would you describe Jackie Cameron?
Chef Jackie is passionate, hardworking and understanding. And will never give up on you.

How would you describe yourself before Jackie Cameron's teachings?

How would you describe yourself after Jackie Cameron's teachings?
I found a new career and am very happy with the path I have taken.

Would you recommend Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine to anyone interested in the culinary industry?
Most certainly, it’s the best place to learn about the culinary arts. It has state-of-the-art equipment, and we were very hands on.

Would you recommend the hospitality industry as a career?
Yes. As we were also taught front-of-house skills, business skills, decorating, setting up. So much that lends itself to this entire industry. I have used all the skills I was taught in school, in the ‘real world’. Everything has its purpose.

What attributes – do you think - made Jackie Cameron successful?
Hard work and discipline.

In your opinion, is success worthwhile?
I believe whatever your idea of success may be, it is always worthwhile to pursue it.