Introducing Azikonke Ngcobo - Class of 2022

Azikonke Ngcobo / Photo: Kathy Pitout Photography

Azikonke Ngcobo

Azikonke Ngcobo

1. What inspired you to enrol at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine?

My cousin, mostly, and because I want to learn more about food. I want to be able to cook from scratch.

2. What is your reason for choosing a career in the culinary industry?

I have always enjoyed food, and cooking is a really fun thing to do. I like the experience of cooking something new and having people appreciate what I cook.

3. What are you hoping to achieve here?

I am hoping to achieve a much greater knowledge of food and to expand my skills.

4. Explain what you are prepared to give of yourself.

I am prepared to give all I have to achieve great results and learn as much as I can.

5. What is your long-term goal?

My long-term goal is, possibly, to open up a small confectionary store but I am still uncertain since I have much to learn. Maybe I will pick up something I enjoy more than confectionary.

6. In how many years do you hope to achieve this?

I would hope to achieve this within three to four years after graduation - maybe five…

7. Are you aware that the pressure you’ll be placed under during the course will help you achieve your goal? Elaborate on your ability to cope with pressure.

Yes, I am fully aware of the pressure. I rate my ability to cope with pressure as slightly above average, but I hope to learn to more coping skills as the course goes on.

8. Do you shy away from hard work? Elaborate on your answer.

I shy away from work when it’s forced on me but, with cooking, I chose to do it and I know the work that comes with it. For example, if you asked me to wash the school bus versus foraging for things in the garden, I would be less incline to wash the school bus over foraging in the garden.

9. Are you willing to perform all tasks related to the course – even if you consider the task menial? Give the reason for your answer.

I will do everything I am told regardless of the importance or difficulty because I will need to know it for the future.

10. Are you aware that the hospitality industry requires you to work on weekends and public holidays while guests ‘play’? Comment on this.

Yes, I am aware of this from what my cousin and what Chef Jackie has told me.  It doesn’t concern me – guests will be there to eat and drink. I am there to work and learn.

11.  Who is your favourite international ‘foodie’?

I am not familiar with all the well-known foodies. I know of Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver. Most of the chefs mentioned in class, I hadn’t heard of.

12. If food had a personality, what dish would be most like you – and why?

Paella, because it’s a bit of everything and I think that’s my personality.

13. Where were you born and raised?

I was born and raised in Johannesburg.

14. Apart from food what hobbies do you enjoy?

I enjoy basketball. I don’t know if you would call gaming a hobby. I also enjoy soccer and swimming. 

15. What dish do find least inspiring? Explain the reason.

Potato salad, primarily because of the way the eggs make the dish smell, but that could be the potato salad I am used to. However, would rate it as potato salad for me.

16. Name four celebrities you’d like to have at your dinner table. Explain why.

Michael Jackson, growing up I listened to his music, and I really enjoyed it so he is a person I would have loved to have cooked for. Dwayne Johnson, I loved seeing him on TV, especially in his wrestling days. Sylvester Stallone, because I enjoy his movies and was inspired by what he did to get where he is now.