Q&A with Rebecca Bourhill

Q&A with past student of Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine, Rebecca Bourhill.

Name the most important thing you were taught at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine.
To be organised, to have clear communication and the motivation to thrive in the industry.

How did Jackie Cameron's teachings change your life?
Chef Jackie taught me more about myself than I even knew about myself and made me realise I could push myself more than I thought I could. Also, to have clear goals about my future and what I wanted to achieve. A passion for food has always run in my blood but chef’s teachings created a deeper passion and a drive to work in the industry.

How would you describe Jackie Cameron?
Chef Jackie is hard working, has incredible drive, passion and enthusiasm for the industry. She is clear on what’s to be done and makes sure it gets done properly.

How would you describe yourself before Jackie Cameron's teachings?
As already mentioned, I always have had a passion for the food industry and for sharing good food with people. I came into the course knowing it was what I want to be doing but unclear of the direction within the industry that I wanted to focus on. My theory knowledge of food was not fantastic, but I was enthusiastic to learn the science of food.

How would you describe yourself after Jackie Cameron's teachings?
Chef Jackie’s teachings and the opportunities that she created opened my mind to the industry. Through the opportunities, it became clear to me that I wanted to go into food styling and food photography. The course has given me the confidence to go out and hand in my CV knowing I have had a good background to the industry.

Was Jackie Cameron too hard on you?
No, Chef Jackie was hard on us but all for good reasons. It is a tough industry and she puts it like it is in the ‘real world’. This industry is intense and she makes that clear in her course. Her drive to get work done correctly is inspiring and drove me to follow her motto – ‘do things properly the first time around’.

Would you recommend Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine to anyone interested in the culinary industry?
I would definitely recommend Chef Jackie’s school of food and wine to students wanting to study food. The opportunities chef creates to meet people in the industry and to network is amazing. The course covers all areas of the industry which opens one’s eyes to the possibilities that the industry has to offer.

Would you recommend the hospitality industry as a career?
I would recommend the hospitality industry to anyone who was willing to work hard and had a passion for food.

What attributes – do you think - made Jackie Cameron successful?
Her determination, drive and enthusiasm. Her sheer passion for the industry.

In your opinion, is success worthwhile?
Depends on how one defines success. Yes, it gives a reason to get up in the morning. It opens one’s eyes to other opportunities, which is important for growth.