Joel Van Rooyen - FYN Restaurant

A few words from past student Joel van Rooyen
A few words from past student Joel van Rooyen, Class Of 2021, about his time before, during and after attending the Chef course here at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine:
— Jackie Cameron

“Attending Chef Jackie Cameron's School of Food & Wine has been an honor and a privilege. The skills I learned have been invaluable heading into the industry, however these skills are not exclusive to work, but also to life. Through the course, we're taught resilience, determination and an organized mindset which can be applied to all facets of life. I thank Chef Jackie, Chef Christine and Chef Andiswa for unlocking that confidence in myself to move forward and strive for greatness.

Before the course I felt lost in life, but I have now realized my potential and have broken boundaries I never thought I could break. For those who crave the hunger and drive, I highly recommend Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine.” - Joel Van Rooyen.

“Thank you thank you Joel, it has been phenomenal to see your growth not only in food, but also your confidence as a young man and chef… keep pushing, the world is truly your oyster.” - Chef Jackie Cameron.