Cameron Easton's Avocado Ice Cream Recipe


Cameron Easton’s Avocado Ice Cream

This dessert is, despite its rich flavours, very clean and light. The flavour of the brownie is enhanced by the coarse salt, its sweet richness beautifully offset by the savouriness of the ice cream. The coriander hits your palette as a fresh and inviting aftertaste. This unusual pairing makes for a delightful ending to a meal – earthy yet light and fragrant.

For the Avocado Ice Cream (yields roughly 1 litre)


  • 100g egg yolks

  • 100g sugar

  • 250g cream

  • 250g milk

  • 2 medium/large avocados

  • 1 lemon, juice of


  1. Whisk your egg yolks and sugar until pale, thick ribbons appear. Meanwhile, bring your cream and milk mixture to a gentle simmer.

  2. Once simmering, add a small ladle of it to your egg mixture whilst whisking – this is only to loosen the mixture to an easier pouring consistency.

  3. Now slowly add your loosened egg mixture to your remaining cream and milk mixture whilst gently whisking simultaneously.

  4. Once incorporated, change to a spatula and gently stir your mixture in a figure-of-eight pattern until the mixture coats the back of a spoon.

  5. Strain the crème anglaise through a fine sieve into two beakers of equal amounts, allow to cool completely before freezing in an ice-cream maker overnight.

  6. Once frozen, add 2 avocado halves to each beaker and pour the juice of 1 lemon over your avocado halves to retain its vibrant colour.

  7. Churn in the ice-cream maker and place in freezer until you are ready to serve. If you don’t have an ice-cream maker, place the cooled creme anglaise into a large mixing bowl.

  8. Using a Nutribullet or normal blender, puree your avocado and lemon juice to a smooth consistency and fold it into your cream anglaise. Place into your freezer.

  9. Every 30 minutes, remove the mixture from the freezer and whisk it at a high tempo. Continue to do so until you have reached your desired consistency.

  10. Whisking breaks down the formation of ice crystals and results in a creamier, smoother product. The higher your whisking tempo, the smoother and creamier your ice cream will be.

Chocolate Soil, Avocado Ice Cream & Coriander Meringue - Oryx Desert Salt

Photo credit: Cameron Easton This month, to celebrate Valentines, we asked our chef partners to come up with unusual taste blends that sound odd but actually work surprisingly well together. Cameron Easton, a student at Jackie Cameron's School of Food and Wine has taken chocolate, avocado and co