Q&A with Zandy Armstrong

Q&A with past student of Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine, Zandy Armstrong.
  • What is the most important thing you were taught at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine?
    That anything is achievable if you put your mind to it.

  • How did Jackie Cameron’s teachings affect your life?
    They gave me the ability to follow my dreams and fulfill my vision for the future as a chef.

  • Would you recommend Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine?
    Without a doubt. The skills taught range from the connections in the industry and personal development, to the growth of tenacity, and a desire to be the best - as well as to have a humble and grateful approach to this crazy life as a chef.

  • Would you recommend the hospitality industry?
    It provides endless opportunities for employment, the ability to travel the globe, continuous growth and development. There are so many different aspects and directions your career can take.

  • What attributes - do you think - made Jackie Cameron successful?
    Tenacity and drive - and also a lot of fun.

  • Is success worthwhile?
    Success is different for each individual and that really depends on the goals you set for yourself. In achieving goals, we build confidence, and this inspires us to go on to do greater things. So yes, success is worthwhile.