Q&A with Michelle Engelbrecht

Q&A with past student of Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine, Michelle Engelbrecht.

Name the most important thing you were taught at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine.
Never complain, always work super hard and never make anything that’s ‘nice’ – make it ‘amazing’!

How did Jackie Cameron's teachings change your life?
It changed the way I am and act in a kitchen - and also in my everyday life. I learnt to work hard and to never complain. I always explore what I can learn from any experience thrown at me, good or bad - and that I’m never too old to learn. This course was about becoming a great chef – when I look back, I see it was a life course.

How would you describe Jackie Cameron?
A very hard worker. Chef Jackie always looks for ways to improve her teachings and the way she runs her school. She gives her all to make us the best. Very selfless, caring and compassionate, but also strict and old – school, which we need in this modern, undisciplined society. And I must add, she is full of fun and laughter.

How would you describe yourself before Jackie Cameron's teachings?
Still immature and very young. A soft, yet bubbly nature. Had a love and passion for food which was very basic. I was exposed to a very simple way of cooking.

How would you describe yourself after Jackie Cameron's teachings?
The most growth in such a short time frame. I became a lot stronger at heart and physically too. The way I see food now is very different. I no longer see food as something we consume daily. It’s an art, a burst of flavours and colours and a special way of bringing people together.

Was Jackie Cameron too hard on you?
Not at all. The way Chef taught us was very similar to the way I grew up. When Chef was strict with us, she was preparing us for this industry and teaching us to see reprimanding as a learning curve. Take to mind what Chef says and learn from it, but never take it to heart. Always say “Oui Chef”!

Would you recommend Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine to anyone interested in the culinary industry?
Absolutely! It is the best school and a place where you develop a great love of food. It is so much more than a cooking course – it is a life course.

Would you recommend the hospitality industry as a career?
Most definitely, especially if they have a passion for food and for people. It’s a career that never gets boring and allows you to experience amazing opportunities.

What attributes – do you think - made Jackie Cameron successful?
Firstly, hard work and determination, but also the willingness not to settle for mediocre and the norm. Keeping standards that you have set, always doing everything, and every element, properly. A drive and a passion for food, bringing people together and wanting to be ‘simply the best’.

In your opinion, is success worthwhile?
Absolutely. It drives you to do more every day and is extremely rewarding. It pushes one to work even harder than before.