What’s on the menu for 2017

Jackie Cameron
With meat being so expensive, vegetables are starting to take centre stage, with the meat component being almost a savoury flavouring rather than a meaty feast. I’m excited by this as it shows much more creativity from the chef.
— Jackie Cameron

If meat is your thing buy a good piece of meat once or twice a week rather than having it every night. And when I say a good piece of meat, I mean expensive or freerange - even better if you know your farmer. Savour the deliciousness. Knowing your farmer, and knowing where your produce comes from is really taking root in 2017.

Sustainability and SASSI (the sustainable seafood initiative) are part of the move to eat to save the planet. Understanding that we can all make a difference will mark 2017. Local ingredients will be highlighted. So on menus in KZN one might find amadumbes and in the Cape, waterblommetjies.

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