Want to be a Chef? 200% Effort. No Less.

Jackie Cameron
The school’s #20182019 students are working in the industry on the practical segment of their curriculum; the latest intake of students started earlier this January; our little onsite restaurant at Jackie Cameron Culinary School Outlet has benefited from word-of-mouth marketing – thanks to our loyal supporters; and I was awarded Top Educator by FOODXX at a ceremony hosted in Cape Town. I am very honoured to have brought this back to KZN for all of us to share.
— Jackie Cameron

Every month, I will introduce you to the school’s most recent students. First up is Braeden Royal. His father was responsible for many of the photographs taken at Summerhill Stud and the farm’s Hartford House. So, we go back a long way – the two of us getting the styling of my dishes accurate so he could capture the perfect image. We have kept in contact over the years and often met at foodie events. It never crossed my mind that his son would join the school’s fourth intake.

To get a comprehensive look at what the three-year course entailed, Braeden spent a week with us last year. I highly recommend this to anyone considering enrolling at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine. Spend a few days meeting the students and asking relevant questions. The school accepts only 15 students and I demand 200% effort from each person. Everyone, including myself, must be fully committed to this demanding yet fulfilling industry; and I’ve noted that the practice of spending time with us benefits both parties. The students enjoyed Braeden’s participation, describing him as ‘a gentleman, super helpful, keen, creative, enthusiastic and always asking many questions’. That’s the calibre of chef the industry needs.

I recently discovered that Braeden, when eight years old, created his own foodie blog. He is clearly someone who, at an early age, knew where his interest lay – and has followed that dream. He has displayed green fingers too. That means the school’s bonsai collection is getting the attention it deserves and our herb-and-vegetable garden is taking off again.

I look forward to seeing Braeden’s progress over the next few years. Today he is sharing his homemade, hash-brown recipe. “This is a dish my mom prepared on special occasions such as birthdays, so it’s a pleasing reminder of happy times with family and friends,” says Braeden, adding that the sweet-potato flavour and cheesy broccoli transport him to his comfort zone.

This is truly tasty with many of my favourite breakfast flavours incorporated into one dish. Think cultured crème fraiche, tender-stem broccoli, fried eggs and grated cheese.

By year-end you will have met all the students so keep reading - and remember you have an open invitation to visit the school where you will meet some of the country’s aspiring young chefs. Please remember to comment on the recipes they share. They certainly benefit from the feedback.

Find out more about my women’s and men’s chef range. Remember Jackie Cameron Cooks at Home and Baking with Jackie Cameron – the books highlight all my foodie adventures. I always look forward to hearing from you so please communicate via email: jackie@jackiecameron.co.za

Jackie Cameron - owner of Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine in Hilton, KZN - for enquiries email admin@jackiecameron.co.za

Find me on Facebook – Jackie Cameron Cooks at Home, Twitter - @jackie_cameron and Instagram: jackiecameronincolour

Food assistant and recipe developer: Braeden Royal

All Photos taken by:
Karen E Photography