Introducing Kiara-Lee Axelson - Class of 2021

Kiara-Lee Axelson / Photo taken by: Kathy Pitout Photography

Kiara-Lee Axelson / Photo taken by: Kathy Pitout Photography

Kiara-Lee Axelson

Kiara-Lee Axelson

Kiara-Lee Axelson

1. What inspired you to enrol at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine?

When I learnt what the school offered, I realised that out of all of the culinary schools in South Africa, attending Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine would give me the most exposure to all things foodie. Other than the food aspect, the equipment at the school is phenomenal and top of the range!

2. What is your reason for choosing a career in the culinary industry?

For as far back as I can remember, I spent the afternoons after school at my grandfather's house. Occasionally we would bake banana bread. He was the person who introduced me to baking/cooking and from those small beginnings, I have become ever-more interested in food.

3. What are you hoping to achieve here?

I am hoping to expand my knowledge on all things foodie as I learn about different cuisines. I also aim to master the art of sophistication when plating food - making it aesthetically pleasing because people eat with their eyes and I consider plating to be one of my weaknesses.

4. Explain what you are prepared to give of yourself.

I am prepared to give as much as I possibly can to this industry. This includes sacrificing all my time, sleep, and social life to get as much as I can out of this course.

5. What is your long-term goal?

My long-term goal is to travel the world first, then settle down and open my own business which will focus on vegetarian and vegan dishes.

6. In how many years do you hope to achieve this?

In the next 10-15 years.

7. Are you aware that the pressure you’ll be placed under during the course will help you achieve your goal? Elaborate on your ability to cope with pressure.

Yes, Chef makes that clear throughout the interview, as well as throughout the course - reminding us that this is what we chose.

8. Do you shy away from hard work? Elaborate on your answer.

I would like to think I don't. Once you push through it and look back, what was a mountain turns into a minor speed bump, and therefore you'll continuously grow by doing hard work.

9. Are you willing to perform all tasks related to the course – even if you consider the task menial? Give the reason for your answer.

Yes, I am. As Chef explained to me when I was concerned about killing an animal (which I am against), by doing that I would have more respect for the animal and appreciate the dish more.

10. Are you aware that the hospitality industry requires you to work on weekends and public holidays while guests ‘play’? Comment on this.

Yes, I am fully aware of this. As Chef said, it is a career choice that we have chosen for ourselves, being fully aware of what the industry expects from us.

11.  Who is your favourite international ‘foodie’?

Adriano Zumbo and Gordon Ramsay.

12. If food had a personality, what dish would be most like you – and why?

A pie because it is either kept together well, or it crumbles/falls apart.

13. Where were you born and raised?


14. Apart from food what hobbies do you enjoy?

Long Distance Running, Reading, and Sleeping. ;)

15. What dish do find least inspiring? Explain the reason.

Soup, because you can't get very creative when it comes to the presentation of the dish as your options are limited, in my opinion.

16. Name four celebrities you’d like to have at your dinner table. Explain why.

Trevor Noah for entertainment, Gordon Ramsay to get honest feedback regarding the dish (assuming I made the meal), John Legend for good music, and David Attenborough to hear all his stories because he has lived one hell of a life.