Olivia Malan's Milk Tart Recipe

Olivia Malan's Milk Tart Recipe / Kathy Pitout Photography

Olivia has chosen to share her milk tart recipe. Fortunately, she made a double batch for the photographic shoot, so we all got a healthy portion of this scrumptious fare. At Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine, we are cautiously generous with our portions because one of our golden rules is ‘no waste’.
— Jackie Cameron

Olivia Malan’s Family Milk Tart Recipe

Makes: 1 tart in 26x26 tin



  • 1 packet of tennis biscuits

  • 135 grams of melted butter

  • 1 ½ tablespoons of icing sugar


  1. Blend or crush the biscuits with a rolling pin until they are crumbs.

  2. Add the sugar to the crushed biscuits in a mixing bowl.

  3. Add the melted butter to the bowl and mix together.

  4. Transfer the mixture into the tart pans and spread evenly, press down until firm.

  5. Refrigerate for approximately 30 minutes before adding the filling.



  • 2 cups of full cream milk

  • ¾  cup of white sugar

  • ½ tablespoon of salted butter

  • 2 tablespoons of corn flour

  • 2 large eggs (white and yellow separate)

  • ¾ teaspoon of vanilla essence

  • 1/3 tablespoon of ground cinnamon


  1. Heat the milk, sugar and butter together in a medium or large pot until the butter has melted.

  2. Slowly add the corn flour to the pot a little bit at a time and use a whisk to ensure that no lumps form.

  3. Beat the egg whites with a whisk until they become white, frothy and somewhat stiff.

  4. Add the egg yellow, beaten egg whites and vanilla essence to the mix in the pot and mix it thoroughly in.

  5. Keep stirring the mixture in the pot with the heat on with a whisk until the required thickness is reached.

  6. Pour the contents into the tart pans with the base and sprinkle with the base and sprinkle the ground cinnamon on top afterwards.

  7. Refrigerate until completely cooled.