Jonathan Kapp's Whole Roasted Trout

Jonathan Kapp's Whole Trout / Kate Martens (p)

Jonathan Kapp's Whole Trout / Kate Martens (p)

Jackie Cameron
Jonathan Kapp is sharing a recipe for a Wayfarer whole trout. In the students’ first week we visited many of our suppliers including Wayfarer Trout. Clearly, the beauty of this farm captured Jonathan and stimulated a desire to make this dish.
— Jackie Cameron


• 1 whole trout, guts removed
• 10 sprigs of fresh dill
• 1 orange (large)
• Pinch of Oryx salt and pepper


1. Start off by heating the oven to  180° Celsius.  
2. Slice your orange into slices. Then halve the  slices and place in, underneath and on the trout. Season by adding dill  into and on the trout as well as salt and pepper.
3. Put the stuffed trout onto a non­ stick oven tray and place tin foil  over the fish.
4. Place into the oven for 20 minutes.
5. Remove the tin foil and then cook the trout for another 25 to 30 minutes or until cooked.