Can-Can Chicken

Can Can Chicken

Can-Can Chicken is simply delicious! My first trainee at Hartford House, Werner Wolff, taught me how to do it. After a few years he came back as my sous chef (for those who know my kitchen - yes I have had males cooking with me over the years even though I presently pride myself with having an all-female team). We were preparing for a braai demonstration and I was showcasing interesting and different ideas. I had never heard of ‘Can-Can’ Chicken so put this braai brilliance down to him having grown up in Bloemfontein. The crowd was amazed… These days, however, popularity has led to it being less uncommon. If you have never made this before I strongly recommend you do.The result is the most succulent beer-infused, crispy chicken that you could ever imagine.

Ingredients : 

  • 1 Whole Chicken
  • 50gr Salted Butter
  • 4 sprigs Fresh Rosemary
  • 50ml Olive Oil
  • 1 can (330ml) Beer

Method : 

  1. Get the fire on the Braai really hot (I would suggest doing in a weber style braai-one with a lid).
  2. Place butter and rosemary under the skin of the chicken.
  3. Rub the chicken with olive oil on the outside.
  4. Open the can of beer and place it inside the chicken’s cavity, making the chicken stand up.
  5. Place on a tray on top of the grid, cook for hour and a half.
  6. Remove the can and serve.

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