Blueberry Smoothie

Blueberry Smoothie / Karen E Photography

Jackie Cameron
The long holiday break might be making it difficult for you to get back into your every-day routine. A blueberry, coconut-milk and walnut smoothie promises to revitalise you and help restore the focus you need for a day in the office.
— Jackie Cameron

Blueberry Smoothie

Serves 4


  • 125ml Instant Oats
  • 250ml Plain Yoghurt
  • 1 Whole Banana
  • 250ml Fresh Blueberries (use frozen if not in season)
  • 30ml Maple Syrup
  • 1 tin (400ml) Coconut Milk
  • 50gr Walnuts


  1. Combine the oats and yoghurt, cling wrap tightly and leave in the fridge to soak overnight.
  2. When ready to serve the smoothie, place all the above ingredients into a blender. Blend until you have a smooth drinking consistency.
  3. This will be great for an on the go breakfast. Drink this straight away as the consistency and colour can change.