Angelo Richard... There Is Always One

Jackie Cameron
It has been inspiring to witness this shy, young man blossom. I have often overheard comments such as: “Angelo is such a gentleman - we need more men like him”. Seriously fired up on this course, Angelo’s contribution is always 100 per cent. He is motivated and enthusiastic to tackle anything thrown his way. He volunteers to work at every function – wanting to make the most of every experience.
— Jackie Cameron

Currently, while the #20182019 students are preparing for the June/July examinations, the #20172018 students are gradually gearing up for their final examinations, also in June/July – and then graduation. While all this is going on, we must also remember our new, and long-awaited venture, The School Outlet and BR.UNCH restaurant, launched last week Wednesday.

In April I introduced you to Heather-Lee Holliday, and I have planned to feature this year’s student intake over the next few months. Each of them will share their personal, family-favourite recipe with you and I’d be grateful if you’d try the recipes and then email the school with your comments. Our previous students found this to be a very beneficial and helpful exercise.

Today I am presenting Angelo Richard. In my short experience, I have come to realise there is always one… One who skids into my office the day before the school year begins requesting a place. Angelo had been deliberating over enrolling at the school and then – while reflecting on the fact that his appreciation of food dated back to a very young age, and the positive recommendations regarding Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine - he got a clear picture of where his career path should lead. Placing his other love for computers and IT technology to the side for now.

The recipe Angelo has chosen to share with The Witness readers is one that he developed - one that helped him decide to pursue a culinary career. "Creating it, Cooking it, serving it - and finally sampling it -lit the fire in me," shares Angelo.

When you test this dish, I’m sure you’ll agree it’s an interesting way of cooking.  Angelo’s favourite steak and Chili-Cilantro Naan is a firm favourite with all of us at the school after he served it on a ‘family’ meal lunch.

I prefer spicy naan so enjoyed the additional, freshly-picked chillies from the school’s herb garden. I must add that Angelo’s mom, Priscilla, is an extraordinary cook – it’s clear from whom Angelo inherited his creative flair. Fortunately, he realised where his talent lay – although it took him a little while…  I’m taking this opportunity to thank Priscilla Richard for the treats she often shares with us. Curried okra, biryani, and the most delicious puri and patha are a few of the dishes that I can say are the best I have ever eaten. Indian cuisine has a special place on my palate.

Here is to each of the students reaching greater heights than they ever thought possible.

For details on The School Outlet email: .Visit to find out more about my women’s chef range - men’s to come shortly. Remember Jackie Cameron Cooks at Home and Baking with Jackie Cameron. They highlight all my foodie adventures.  I always look forward to hearing from you so please communicate via email:
Jackie Cameron owner of Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine in Hilton, KZN - email for enquires.