The Perennial Plate - Adventures in Sustainable Eating

The Perennial Plate is an online weekly documentary series dedicated to socially responsible and adventurous eating. Chef and Activist, Daniel Klein and Co-producer/Camera girl Mirra Fine are traveling the world exploring the wonders, complexities and stories behind the ever more connected global food system.

While filming in South Africa, the leader, father and hero of our nation, Nelson Mandela, passed away. The Perennial Plate team were moved tremendously by the stories they had heard and by the deep love that every South African shared for Nelson Mandela. They had been taking pictures of food producers for two weeks leading up to his death, and while reviewing the diverse group of people, were struck by how each one had a personal relationship with Madiba and how different South Africa would be had he not lived.

Watch Episode 142 above... entitled simply 'For Madiba', and be sure to visit