The Macrotrend of Microgreen Innovation

Nkululeko Mlotshwa shares his tips (and recipes) on using microgreens in your next recipe

Born and raised in Howick, KwaZulu-Natal, Nkululeko Mlotshwa recognised his passion for food while employed as a general worker in the hospitality industry. That was in 2011. Fast forward seven years, and today Nkululeko is living out his dream studying at the Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine, thanks to a Woolworths TASTE Eat Out Bursary.

“Every day is a new day of learning,” says Mlotshwa. “Who, a few years back, would have thought I would be studying French terminology and cake icing – as well as everything else that will put me on the right road to become a chef of distinction?”

Part of his innovation includes experimenting with microgreens as a key ingredient in recipe development. These flavourful superfoods offer 40% more nutritional value than their older plant versions. In fact, in 2014 researchers at the US Department of Agriculture Research Service, including national programme leader Gene Lester, discovered nearly all of the 25 varieties of microgreens tested had four to six times more vitamins and phytochemicals than mature leaves from the same plant.

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The Macrotrend of Microgreen Innovation - BLQ

Nkululeko Mlotshwa shares his tips (and recipes) on using microgreens in your next recipe Born and raised in Howick, KwaZulu-Natal, Nkululeko Mlotshwa recognised his passion for food while employed as a general worker in the hospitality industry. That was in 2011. Fast forward seven years, and today Nkululeko is living out his dream studying at ...