Connor Benn - Student Testimonial

My Time at Jackie Cameron School of Food and Wine

It has always been a passion of mine to become a chef, to work with food in ways no one else can and create happiness around the table. From the moment I arrived at the school I knew I had made the right decision.

We were told that we would be working exceptionally hard, and that we would get even more frustrated at times but above all else, we would be shaping our future careers in this incredibly and unique industry.

Being at the school and working under Chef Jackie was truly a lifetime experience, we weren't given A sauce to make or A chicken to roast, we were given real life responsibilities with real life opportunities to mess up with real life important people who came to our various functions.

The amount of experience that we were taught and the amount that we were able to learn in such a small space of time was absolutely insane. Being at this school has only increased my passion and excitement for food tenfold.

My experience at this incredible chef school can’t really be put into words as it really is extremes from the start. It was insanely exciting, stressful, fun, intensive, difficult and amazing all wrapped up in a tight ball. 

You won’t be attending this school to learn how to make a custard or a croissant, you’re joining this school to learn what it really means to be a chef, from learning the absolute basic techniques of sharpening a knife to constructing full on towering Croque en Bouches, from being put under serious responsibilities to becoming apart of an irreplaceable family.

You will be pushed to your absolute limit to where you are in both disbelief and utter joy of your accomplishments of the day, you will wake up hungry for the next challenge.

My experience at Jackie Cameron School of Food and Wine was a life changing time where the phrase anything is possible truly takes on a new meaning.