Introducing Megan Odell - Class of 2021

Megan Odell / Photo: Kathy Pitout Photography

Megan Odell

Megan Odell

1. What inspired you to enrol at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine?

The pictures and videos I have seen - and the past students I have spoken to - made me realise that I could turn my dreams into reality.

2. What is your reason for choosing a career in the culinary industry?

I have always loved cooking and I dreamt about being a famous chef.

3. What are you hoping to achieve here?

I am hoping to achieve the best level of culinary arts so I can start making my dreams come true.

4. Explain what you are prepared to give of yourself.

I am prepared to give my all, even though it means sacrificing a lot. It will all be worth it in the end.

5. What is your long-term goal?

To travel the world, and then open my own top-quality restaurant.

6. In how many years do you hope to achieve this?

In 10-15 years.

7. Are you aware that the pressure you’ll be placed under during the course will help you achieve your goal? Elaborate on your ability to cope with pressure.

Yes. The pressure I will be put under will make me stronger and will put me one step closer to achieving my goal.

8. Do you shy away from hard work? Elaborate on your answer.

Sometimes. I know what needs to be done and I get it done because when I procrastinate, the work becomes more difficult.

9. Are you willing to perform all tasks related to the course – even if you consider the task menial? Give the reason for your answer.

Yes. I won’t become experienced without getting experience - and even though there is a task that I dread, in the end, I will be thankful because it is those situations that will get me to where I want to be.

10. Are you aware that the hospitality industry requires you to work on weekends and public holidays while guests ‘play’? Comment on this.

Yes. I chose this career because it’s what I love doing and, even if guests are relaxing while I work, at least I won’t be doing something I don’t enjoy.

11.  Who is your favourite international ‘foodie’?

Melissa Leong.

12. If food had a personality, what dish would be most like you – and why?

Crème brûlée. I’m sweet and tough on the outside, but soft and kind on the inside.

13. Where were you born and raised?

In Mooi River, in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands.

14. Apart from food what hobbies do you enjoy?

Swimming, being with my friends and training my dog.

15. What dish do find least inspiring? Explain the reason.

Pasta because it’s dull and dry.

16. Name four celebrities you’d like to have at your dinner table. Explain why.

Jenifer Aniston, Simon Toohey, Meghan Markle and Andy Allen. All these people are inspiring and have come such a long way in life. I look up to them and I hope, one day, to be as successful as they are.